Time has flown by...
Meet Anoushka and Aneesh....they have been with me since 2015 and I can't believe it myself. Hear them chant and you will be amazed. They...
GURUKULAM turns 5...(20/10/2018)
Shoutout: GURUKULAM turns 5 tomorrow....(20/10//2018) I call it a milestone in my life....we have survived 4 years in the market,...
The power behind the word "BELIEF"...
Life is a whole lot of challenges for each one of us...but so what? You can't run away from issues. If God's posed you with a problem he...
Nandika from Edmonton, Canada
I find it very exciting when parents from different parts of the world call and tell me how famous GURUKULAM is....Trust me, its all...
My take on Mental Well-Being....
The Silent Killer or Living hell : FATIGUE/STRESS Psychological Fatigue is a silent killer at the workplace. Increasing work hours, zero...
My awesome twosome -Jo and Harshu!
My classes are incomeplete without these two sisters -Jo and Harshu. Their giggle, laughter, shouting naughtiness just make my class...
Puratassi Sanikazhamai...
Purataasi Sanikazhamai's are always special. Blessings for all of us...Govinda Govinda Govindaaaaaaa!
My adorables - Anu and Aarna!
Maybe its the season of the siblings....I have a great time teaching Anandita. Hope we have fun sessions too Aarna.. Welcome little...
Kaushik and Anagha - Siblings!
Call me a PROUD TEACHER ...I'm absolutely fine with that. When siblings join GURUKULAM it gives me immense confidence that I have done my...
The Dancer in Harini...
Besides being an awesome dancer and loving art, little Harini is now a part of GURUKULAM. Welcome Child...Hope we enjoy our sessions!