Expect the Unexpected....Fret Not!
Till about 34 years I saw my own self as a big failure on very many fronts.....My personal life a disaster in every possible way, a...

A batch for just the UNDER 4's!
A few mom's caught up with me and requested me to do a group class for kids under 4 and I can't tell you how much of a learning...

Answers ain't easy many a times.....
Many a times I just remain speechless to the questions raised by a few mothers....I totally understand their anxiety, but do not have...
Hang in there....A few words have a huge impact on kids!
I learnt a few things from my little children at GURUKULAM....and realised its more important to use a few words that build in their...
The need to act and put things in place in the coming year 2016..
The year 2015 has been quite an eventful one ....huge enrolments and many drop-outs too(One reason being ask kids to learn and there is a...
A Heartfelt Thank You!
Wrapped up all my classes for 2015....Every day of this year with my kids was a special one.....an amazing journey, a whole lot of...
Every minute/miniscule detail should matter...
Dealing with kids for a little more than 1 year makes me realise that every small detail/information a child feels like sharing with the...

Hear them once and your heart will melt...
They are "SPECIAL" for a special reason - God's own and my very pamperred specially challenged kids:) I would be at fault if I don't...

Necessity is the Mother of Invention...
I'm often asked the question by my little kids or even parents "Ma'am how did you manage to learn so many many shlokas".....I simply...