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Why I am that NOMINATION....

That joy when friends and family begin to nominate you for an up-coming award...

I like what a great friend and my family had to say while they nominated me:

I am proud to nominate Divyaa Doraiswamy for the rising star awards. I can attest to Divyaa's dedication to impart distinct knowledge to her students through her one of a kind shloka school. In a short 3 years Gurukulam shloka school has grown remarkably to a strength of about 75 across Bengaluru city. Her reach even includes students overseas. Her school upholds the highest standards demonstrating commitment to professionalism at every level. It is the tireless efforts of Divyaa Doraiswamy that sets apart Gurukulam to be the finest example of agents of transmission of culture by which the culture of a society is passed on to its children.

~ Mr and Mrs.Raghavan

Divyaa is one of the most good intentioned persons that I have come across with one of the noblest goals built into a modest business model. Her mission is so simple but at the same time so profound in its outcome by working with young minds to connect them with their traditions, that are rapidly disappearing in todays busy lifestyle. She achieves it with simple grace and humility but with a deep passion and sense of purpose. She teaches shlokas to young children between the ages of 5 - 15 in Bangalore by going basically door-2-door ! Teaching shlokas and ancient texts was something reserved and dominated by self proclaimed religious male heads. Through her sincere actions and efforts Divya is serving to democratize these beautiful ancient literary works to young minds of all castes and creeds, male and female and all religions. I wish her only the very best and offer her all energy that needs in this wonderful journey that she has undertaken.

~ Mr.Anand Vasudevan

Thanks guys...You make me feel awesome

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