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I resolve...

In 2019 I resolve:

1).To spend more time with family - appa, amma, sister, brother in law and little niece.They are the ones that make my world complete.

2).To spend more time with the people at the old age home who have been left to the mercy of God.Talk to them and cater to their little needs & small wishes (Trust me spending time with kids and senior citizens brings in so much of new learning into our lives)

3).The one resolution that I always keep up is my time spent with God. I plan to increase it this year by learning the Gita and apply what I learn into my daily living. Gita is a way of life..

4). I resolve to visit the(Perumal, Krishna and Narasimha) temples more often and make service at the temple premises a part of my weekly activities. Positivity and strength are attained while staying in constant touch with the supreme high..

5). I resolve to make exercise a part of my daily activity (The one thing that I have been striving for the last 15 years and failed miserably)

6). I resolve to talk less, hurt less and argue less and make KINDNESS a habit with people who are UNKIND

7).I resolve to make GRATITUDE to all the small things in life a part of my daily routine (I have been successful in the last one year and it has made me a happy person and change the way I look at life)

8). I resolve to make GURUKULAM - My Online Shloka School a happier and more interactive place where kids want to be coming back to learn (Thats probably the only reason why we have been able to connect with kids till this date and been a successful online shloka school)

That seems like a long list and even if I keep up to 4-5 resolutions in 2019, I'd call my self SUCCESSFUL in making resolutions.

Happy 2019 everyone...Here's to loads of happiness and great health always!

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