WEBINARS.....did you just hear that?
I love kids...Imagine connecting with so so many kids across the world at one time, say 5.30 AM my time with kids from many many countries (INDIA, US, UK, CANADA, AUSTRALIA) wow sounds exciting right.....I can't imagine the fun and the learning that will come along.
Wait till I start WEBINARS guys...The next big thing at GURUKULAM.

I do one on one sessions with 50 kids across he globe through SKYPE/Watsapp videos....But today we've come to a stage where I have so many enquiries for early morning US Sessions and with a one on one session I - singly can only do so much.
So I decided the best way to expand GURUKULAM and reach out to probably another 25 kids (to start with) WEBINARS is the only way to go...Can't think of anything else....
How does this idea sound...Super right???
Look up for this space...so much more happening at GURUKULAM...