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Bye Bye 2020-The YEAR that would never go forgotten...

The Pandemic has been a huge stress on each one of us. The YEAR 2020 will never be forgotten in history - courtesy COVID 19.

This year has been very hard on each one of us. I work with kids and I cannot tell you how beautifully they have handled THIS YEAR in particular. Everything VIRTUAL, just everything - School, After School Activities, Online Games with friends,Online festivals.....all stuck at home for no fault of theirs blame it on COVID 19, what else?

I must say kids have dealt with this phase so so well and have adjusted to everything virtual. Thats something unimaginable considering the little ones need their play time,meeting their school friends or just anything that keeps them out of home for a few hours...

NOW they sure know how to stay at home occupied and adapt to everything LIFE THROWS AT THEM.

KUDOS my little ones - Life is all about getting ahead despite the very trying times!

GURUKULAM this year sure saw a huge jump in admissions across the world and the tremendous learning that kids have done in the area of SHLOKA EDUCATION is inexplicable. SHLOKA EDUCATION just became a part of many households and the one reason I heard coming from parents was HOLDING on to GOD during these trying times is the only way forward.

Kids have made PRAYER TIME a part of their daily schedule which really goes to show that they have made GRATITUDE - Gratitude to God, Gratitude to everything God has made available for each one of them/us a very important part of their/our life.

I am glad the PANDEMIC has brought in some amazing learning to our kids and I sincerely hope and pray that they keep these learnings and use them as a very important life lesson going forward.

Hoping 2021 will be COVID FREE and a BLESSED YEAR for each one of us...

Bye Bye 2020!


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